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Morning Time in Our Homeschool
Morning Time in Our Homeschool

Morning Time in Our Homeschool

Morning time, it’s a phrase you’ll hear thrown around in many homeschool communities. Some people call it Morning Basket, some people call it morning meeting, but for the most part, it’s all the same thing. 

For our homeschool morning time is how we start our day, and I always have my coffee close at hand! We have two things that we do each and every morning. These two things are to watch CNN-10 and to review the kids’ JBQ (JBQ stands for Junior Bible Quiz, it’s something that they do at church) questions. Once these two things are over we may be done, or we may continue with a few other morning time activities. 

Our Morning Time Loop

For our loop I have several different resources to use. We don’t use all of them in one month, but I pick and choose depending on what the month looks like. 

Our loop includes

  1. Math Games from Right Start Math
  2. Poetry
  3.  Music Appreciation
  4. Artist Studies
  5. Read Alouds
  6. Letters from Afar

Some of the resources we are using this year are Woven Melodies from Thistle and Biscuits, Book Seeds from Blossom and Root. For Poetry we are using A Child’s Introduction to Poetry. For Artist Studies we have two books we are using. They are Discovering Great Artist and Why is Art Full of Naked People.

How I Plan

Each month while I am getting ready for the new month I create our loop for morning time, and if I want to expand more on anything we are going to cover. If there are any projects in one of our books I make sure we have all the supplies needed, or if there is an artist or musician I want to go more in depth with I will find any biographies (generally in picture book form) and reserve them from the library or see if we already own one.

Do you do morning time? What does it look like in your house?

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