My Adventures in Motherhood
My Adventures in Motherhood

My Adventures in Motherhood

This is the start to a series of posts where I get to introduce you to each one of the kids. When it comes to me posting about the kids I always make sure to ask them for their permission. I think their consent is so important when sharing our experiences. This really only applies to the two big kids because the littles dont understand. My kids agree that they like sharing about our lives because they hope it helps others understand more about what we go through.

Being a Mom is Hard

I don’t think anyone you would talk to would say that being a mom is easy. It is by far the hardest job in the world. You are responsible for raising other people, keeping them alive, teaching them how to be good humans – that is so intimidating.

For some moms, we are given children who’s brains function differently. Not good, not bad, just different. This means learning how to make accommodations for your kids, how to advocate for them, how to get the services they need. It is also one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. 

It means remembering what color vitamins each kid likes best, which shoe to start with when helping to put shoes on. I have to remember not to change the route we take when we are going somewhere, because a small change like that can result in a meltdown. We also have to serve meals in the same order each time, if we go off that routine it could cause a child to not eat because “it’s not right”. It means that when you make plans with people you DONT tell the kids on the off chance that those plans might have to change.

photo of girls dancing

How it Changes Your Relationships With Others

It also means having to explain your kids and their uniqueness to every single person who stays in your life. From your own parents who may resist what THEY see as a limitation to the friends, you’ve known all your life who just aren’t familiar with the science. You go from being a mom to being an expert in all the things that make your family unique. This can run the gauntlet from difficult, trying, and frustrating (when you’re trying to convince people who don’t believe or willfully don’t understand) to heartwarming and special like the first time your kids meet your friends’ kids and they are so welcoming and have educated their kids on how different people’s brains can be. 


  1. Yep, Being a mom is hard! But each of us deserves a pat on the back because we are doing what no one else is capable of doing. Raising good humans is a challenge and more so difficult with children with special needs. You are doing an awesome job We as moms have to take it one step at a time, chin up, brave through, and hope for the best.

  2. Pingback: Meet Ethan! He’s the Oldest - Happily A Harmon

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