October Homeschool Review and November Goals
October Homeschool Review and November Goals

October Homeschool Review and November Goals

October was so much better than September. The change from a Charlotte Mason/Waldorf homeschool to a more relaxed unschooling/delight-directed schooling has been the right choice for all of us.

In my attempt to work on letting go of control and timetables, I created a “choose your own adventure” layout for Ethan. It’s working ok, but I did change it some for November, more on that later though.

Ethan’s Choose Your Own Adventure planner

Field trips and other fun adventures

We had a field trip to the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge with our local Wild and Free group for a lesson on butterflies and the Monarch migrations. Ethan also went to his first school dance. Our co-op hosted a fall dance for the middle school and up kids. We went Trick or Treating with some other homeschool friends, and celebrated Ethan’s birthday!

St Marks National Wildlife Refuge
My handsome son on his way to his first dance


Now on to November! I do really enjoy the start of a new month. It’s a time to reset any goals, make changes and start afresh. The biggest change is that we are switching our math curriculum. Both of the big kids will be starting Saxon Math. As I mentioned last month we are not going to be continuing our time with the Tallahassee Charlotte Mason Co-Op.

November Morning Time

Our morning time for November will be a little different. Instead of having a big loop of many different sources, we will only have 3 things we do each morning. These 3 things will be; CNN-10, JBQ both of which are repeats from October, and new for November will be Build Your Library’s A History of Thanksgiving unit study.

What about you? Will you be making any changes for November?