Our September in Review!
Our September in Review!

Our September in Review!

September has been one busy month! Here are the highlights of some of our adventures.

Start of School

We started our school year on the 7th and have been rocking and rolling and making adjustments as we go through our weeks. This year I have a 5th grader, a 2nd grader, a 4-year-old, and a 2-year-old. This means that I am only actively schooling 2 of my kids but keeping the other 2 occupied at the same time is proving to be very interesting.

Wild and Free Adventures

Our Wild and Free group had two very fun outings. We started following the Florida Nature Guide (aff) from Chickie and Roo and have learned about animal tracks and Oak trees. Both Rosalynn and Ethan are loving our hikes and getting to know new friends. Benjamin and Katheryn are getting stronger on each hike and going longer and longer. It is so much fun to watch all four of them grow in both their wonder and excitement.

Out of our Wild and Free group we have also started a mom’s book club. We just finished reading The Call of the Wild and Free by Anisley Armet and are about to start Know and Tell: The Art of Narration by Karen Glass. Personally, I have started the Nature Journaling course through Wild and Free.

The Tallahassee Charlotte Mason Co-Op

This year I also started a Charlotte Mason Co-Op with a few other moms. We have 4 other families that join us on Thursdays for a series of lessons. Our kids are all either Early Years, Form 1, or Form 2. We are offering Spanish Immersion, Paper Sloyd for Form 1 and Form 2, Handicrafts for Early Years, playground games for everyone, Solfa for Form 1 and Form 2 and then we end the day with storytime for the early years, Greek Mythology for Form 1 and Shakespeare for Form 2.

We have been having so much fun with our co-op. The kids are growing not just in their knowledge but also in their friendships. We have even started continuing our day after co-op at a local park for lunch. At the park all the kids take time to go exploring, playing on the playground, and growing in their relationships. The moms sit and visit and share our experiences and adaptations we’ve made to help our kids through different challenges. It’s mom time without having to find a babysitter!

JBQ, Scouts, and the Goat Farm

As for our family Scouts has started back in full swing as has Junior Bible Quiz. Nathan is helping the JBQ team again this year and they have already had their first match. Ethan scored 7th place overall and the team scored 3rd. Rosalynn bridged to Brownies in Girl Scouts and is still a Juliette, which means that she and I are doing Girl Scouts together the two of us. I plan on taking her to more Council-wide events this year. Ethan is a Webelos this year and is very excited about some of the adventures they are going to be going on. We went to an event at the airport where we got to meet one of the Tuskegee Airmen and go walk through an Army Helicopter.

We’ve also been spending time out at the farm where Ethan is working with two of the Nubians to be able to show them at the fair in a month. The goat farm is probably one of my favorite places to be in town. He is really excited about this new adventure.

There you have it our September in review. How was your month?


  1. This is a very interesting article! Schooling / occupying four kids altogether must be a big endeavor. I have only one and it’s difficult sometimes 😉 In my country, Germany, homeschooling is illegal, so I read with interest how you are doing it. My son’s nanny was also in a co-op and educated her kids at home.

    1. Lauren Harmon

      It very much is a new beginning of a year for many. I think that may be one of the reasons I love it so much. It could just be a little cooler temperature wise! But that’s part of living in Florida.

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