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Story of a Private School Dropout
Story of a Private School Dropout

Story of a Private School Dropout

Homeschool was not our original plan. Both Nathan and I went to public school from Kindergarten to 12th grade. But as life happens sometimes, the things we have planned are not what is best for our family. When Ethan was about to start Kindergarten, we found a small private school that we thought would be perfect for him. So we started him there. At first it was good; we got involved in the school family, doing all the things. Then for many different reasons, by Winter Break it was clear to me that we needed some changes. Nathan convinced me to try and stick it out until the end of the school year, so when the new semester started back we went. When Spring Break came around, Nathan and I revisited the idea of Ethan not returning to the private school he was going to; and Nathan agreed that it was best to keep Ethan home and to start homeschooling him. Initially, we agreed that we would look at a few other private schools, but none of them seemed right. That is when we decided to go all in to homeschool.It was by far the best decision we have made for our family. I love the ability to tailor each day to each child and what they are needing that day. As we have been on this journey, I have also learned so much. One thing that I am striving toward is creating a lifestyle of learning in our home.


  1. Tiffany Flores

    I love this! Right now my son is 3. I have worked on and off in private and public schools as a teacher, and there is so much that is lacking, so I am currently homeschooling my son. I have yet to find a homeschool pod. I would love to read a post in the future on how you make sure your son is getting his social needs met. This is a great first post!

    1. laurenharmon

      Finding the right fit is so important! I am glad that you are starting out a foundation for your son. We have done a co-op in the past but not this year. I will be sharing more in the future, but as an answer to the question regarding social needs he is active in Boy Scouts, Irish Dance, and Bible Quiz. We are also part of our local Wild and Free group.

  2. Anna

    I love that you were so willing to be flexible with what works for your son, what a blessing that will be to his life! P.s popped in over her from Social Squares FB group.

    1. laurenharmon

      Thank you so much. I do love getting to spend our days together molding him into a wonderful young man. I’m glad you found me through the Social Squares group. Social Squares is one of my favorite resources!

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